"Providing First Class Service To One Of The 7 Natural Wonders Of The World"
Call Us: (928) 638-FIRE

Tusayan Fire District offers a variety of short sleeve t-shirts and hooded sweatshirts for sale. The prices for t-shirts are $25.00
(US) per shirt and $45.00 (US) per hooded sweatshirt. We also sell department patches for $5.00 (US) or "patch for patch" free
trades. We apologize, but we cannot offer t-shirt trades of any kind.
Tusayan Fire provides station tours on a daily basis to visitors from every country in the world. We take pride in taking
time (whenever possible) to learn from other fire departments internationally as well as nationally. This also involves sharing our knowledge and daily routines with the public and day care facilities in a public education capacity, so that we may provide the best
customer service experience possible.
Tusayan Fire is also currently looking at other avenues of merchandise sales in the future to support the purchase of
needed equipment and tools. These include ideas like designing a department challenge coin, postcards, coffee mugs and other
items the public may wish to purchase as a souvenir on their visit to one of the most breathtaking natural wonders of the world.
Please continue to check back on this website for any updates in merchandise, or if you have any questions on shirt sizes available,
please send us a message in the "contact us" tab. All replies usually are based on call volume during shift and staff availability, but
messages are usually returned in a prompt manner.
Thank you for all your support!

$ 5.00 USD